Breaking Free from Procrastination: Self-Help Strategies for Getting Things Done

Procrastination is a common challenge that many people struggle with. Whether it’s a work project, household chores, or personal goals, procrastination can prevent us from accomplishing the tasks that we need to complete. It can lead to stress, missed opportunities, and a feeling of being overwhelmed. However, there are effective strategies and techniques that can help you break free from procrastination and increase your productivity. In this article, we will explore several self-help strategies that can help you overcome procrastination and get things done.

Understanding Procrastination

Before we delve into the strategies for overcoming procrastination, it is important to understand why we procrastinate in the first place. Procrastination is often fueled by a combination of psychological, emotional, and environmental factors. Here are a few common reasons why people procrastinate:

  • Fear of failure: The fear of not being able to meet expectations or the fear of making mistakes can paralyze us and prevent us from even starting a task.
  • Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can be a roadblock to getting things done. When we set unrealistically high standards, we might delay starting a task until we feel “ready” or until the conditions are perfect.
  • Lack of motivation: Sometimes, we simply lack the motivation to start or complete a task. This can be due to a lack of interest, feeling overwhelmed, or not seeing the immediate benefits of the task.
  • Difficulty with decision-making: Procrastination can also stem from difficulty in making decisions. When faced with multiple options, we may delay making a choice, leading to delays in taking action.

Self-Help Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

Now that we have a better understanding of procrastination, let’s explore some self-help strategies that can help you overcome this challenge and get things done:

Set Clear and Attainable Goals

One of the first steps to overcoming procrastination is to set clear and attainable goals. When we have a specific target in mind, it becomes easier to break down the task into smaller, manageable steps. Make sure that your goals are realistic and achievable, as setting unrealistic goals can discourage progress and lead to further procrastination.

For example, if you have a work project to complete, break it down into smaller tasks with distinct deadlines. This will help you gain a sense of accomplishment as you complete each task, which in turn will motivate you to continue working towards your larger goal.

Prioritize and Create a To-Do List

Prioritizing tasks and creating a to-do list is a powerful strategy to overcome procrastination. When you have a list of tasks in front of you, it becomes easier to focus on what needs to be done. Start by identifying the most important tasks and tackle them first. This will help you gain momentum and prevent you from getting overwhelmed.

It’s important to keep your to-do list realistic and manageable. Don’t overload it with an excessive number of tasks, as this can lead to feelings of overwhelm and increase the likelihood of procrastination. Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks, and prioritize them accordingly.

Use Time Management Techniques

Effective time management is crucial for overcoming procrastination. Time management techniques can help you stay organized and make the most efficient use of your time. Here are a few time management techniques that can help:

  • The Pomodoro Technique: This technique involves breaking your work into 25-minute intervals, called “Pomodoros,” with short breaks in between. After completing four Pomodoros, take a longer break. This technique helps you work in short, focused bursts, preventing burnout and increasing productivity.
  • Time blocking: In this technique, you allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities. By dedicating specific time slots to tasks, you create a structured schedule that helps you stay on track and avoid procrastination.
  • Setting deadlines: Create deadlines for yourself, even if there are no external deadlines. Setting deadlines creates a sense of urgency and helps you prioritize tasks effectively.

Overcome Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a common characteristic that often goes hand in hand with procrastination. Overcoming perfectionism can be challenging, but it is essential for combatting procrastination and increasing productivity.

One way to overcome perfectionism is to challenge your thoughts and beliefs related to perfection. Ask yourself if the task truly needs to be perfect or if it can be done to a reasonable standard. Recognize that perfection is often unattainable and that completing a task to the best of your ability is sufficient.

Another helpful strategy is to set realistic expectations for yourself. Understand that mistakes and imperfections are a natural part of the learning and growth process. Embrace the idea of progress over perfection and focus on making incremental improvements in your work.

Develop a Routine and Establish Habits

A well-established routine can help you overcome procrastination by creating a structured environment and reducing decision fatigue. When you have a routine in place, certain tasks become automatic habits, making it easier to start and complete them without much thought or effort.

Start by identifying the tasks that you want to incorporate into your routine. For example, if you want to exercise regularly, establish a specific time each day for your workout. By consistently sticking to this routine, exercising will become a habit that requires less willpower and motivation.

Additionally, a routine can help you create a sense of discipline and momentum. When you consistently follow a routine, you build momentum and find it easier to stay focused and motivated.

Find Your Motivation

Motivation plays a crucial role in overcoming procrastination. Finding ways to increase your motivation can help you overcome the urge to procrastinate. Here are a few strategies to help you find and maintain your motivation:

  • Reward yourself: Set up a system of rewards to motivate yourself to complete tasks. For example, after completing a challenging work assignment, treat yourself to something you enjoy, such as a movie night or a small shopping trip.
  • Visualize success: Take a moment to imagine how you will feel once you complete a task or achieve a goal. Visualizing success can help you stay motivated and focused on the end result.
  • Find your why: Connect with the deeper reasons behind your goals and tasks. Understanding why a particular task is important to you can help you find the motivation to overcome procrastination and take action.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

Large, complex tasks can often seem intimidating and overwhelming, leading to procrastination. One effective strategy to overcome this is to break tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

For example, if you need to write a report, break it down into smaller steps such as outlining, conducting research, and drafting each section. By focusing on one step at a time, the task becomes less overwhelming, and it becomes easier to take action.

Additionally, completing each smaller step provides a sense of accomplishment, which can help boost motivation and encourage further progress.

Minimize Distractions

Distractions can significantly hinder productivity and contribute to procrastination. Minimizing distractions is essential for maintaining focus and staying on track with your tasks.

Here are some strategies to help you minimize distractions:

  • Create a distraction-free workspace: Designate a specific area for work that is free from distractions such as the television or mobile devices.
  • Turn off notifications: Disable notifications on your phone or computer to reduce the temptation to check social media or respond to non-urgent messages.
  • Use website blockers: Install website-blocking extensions on your browser to restrict access to time-wasting websites during focused work periods.

Find an Accountability Partner

Having someone to hold you accountable can be a powerful motivator to overcome procrastination. An accountability partner can provide support, encouragement, and a gentle push when needed.

Choose someone you trust and who understands your goals. Share your progress with them, set deadlines together, and check in regularly to discuss your progress. This can help you stay committed, and knowing that someone is expecting progress can be a strong incentive to overcome procrastination.

Practice Self-Compassion

Lastly, it is essential to practice self-compassion when dealing with procrastination. Beating yourself up or engaging in negative self-talk will only demotivate you further, creating a vicious cycle of procrastination.

Instead, practice self-kindness and self-compassion. Understand that everyone faces setbacks and struggles with motivation at times. Treat yourself with kindness, forgive yourself for past procrastination episodes, and focus on moving forward and finding solutions.


Procrastination can be a significant obstacle to productivity, but it is a challenge that can be overcome. By understanding the reasons behind procrastination and implementing self-help strategies, you can break free from this habit and increase your productivity.

The key strategies discussed in this article include setting clear and attainable goals, prioritizing tasks, using time management techniques, overcoming perfectionism, establishing routines and habits, finding motivation, breaking tasks into smaller steps, minimizing distractions, finding an accountability partner, and practicing self-compassion.

Remember, overcoming procrastination is a process that requires patience and persistence. Experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. With time and effort, you can develop the habits and mindset needed to overcome procrastination and achieve your goals.